
  • High customization potential (e.g. sizes, surfaces, colors)
  • Speed and robustness
  • Flexibility and scalability
  • Ideal for automated systems
  • High binding capacity
  • Proven for downstream applications such as PCR etc.
  • Minimal non-specific absorption

Beads for Genomic Applications

AMSBIO offers a range of magnetic beads and kits specifically for use in genomic applications. Magnetic beads can be used as solid support phase in DNA extraction and purification protocols by a simple bind/wash/elute principle. Selecting the correct magnetic bead for your application is crucial to ensure you obtain the best possible results.

Silica beads

Intended for nucleic acid isolation from various sources (blood, cells, bacteria etc.) for manual and automated workflow.


Ultra-fast ferromagnetic silica particles with instant magnetic separation

MagSi-DNA allround

Optimized magnetic content for fast separation and medium suspension time

MagSi-DNA mf

Ferrimagnetic silica beads, developed for use in microfluidic and chip-based genomic setups

MagSi-DNA 600

Large surface area and optimized magnetic content for long suspension time.

MagSi-DNA 3.0

Very fast separation and shorter suspension time

Physical properties

MagSi-DNAMagSi-DNA 600MagSi-DNA allroundMagSi-DNA 3.0
Collection speed++++++++++
Time in suspension+/-++++
Accessible surface area+++++++
Bead density++++++++
Recommended preparation scaleAllMini/midiAllAll


MagSi-DNAMagSi-DNA 600MagSi-DNA allroundMagSi-DNA 3.0
Mean diameter300nm600nm1.2µm3.0µm
Concentration300 mg/mL20 mg/mL20 mg/mL20 mg/mL
Density3.1 g/cm31.2g/cm31.6g/cm31.6g/cm3
Surface area6.5 m2/g8.3 m2/g3.6 m2/g0.8 m2/g
DNA yield/isolation (20µl bead suspension)Up to 8 µgUp to 10 µgUp to 8 µgUp to 6 µg
DNA binding capacity~1.3 µg/mg~25 µg/mg~20 µg/mg~15 µg/mg
StabilitypH 3-11pH 3-11pH 3-11pH 3-11

Carboxylated Silica Beads

If a very high yield of DNA is needed, the MagSi-DNA beads are also available in carboxylated forms. Under specific conditions, the carboxylated surface enables higher yield and purity from samples.


Ultra-fast ferromagnetic silica particles with instant magnetic separation

MagSi-DNA allround COOH

Optimized magnetic content for fast separation and medium suspension time

MagSi-DNA 600 COOH

Large surface area and optimized magnetic content for long suspension time.

MagSi-DNA 3.0 COOH

Very fast separation and shorter suspension time

MagSi-DNA Trial Kit

A complete set of 8 types of MagSi beads for genomic applications, offered in a single kit for trial purposes in development of new extraction and purification protocols or replacement in existing protocols. Included in the kit are: silica beads MagSi-DNA, MagSi-DNA 600, MagSi-DNA allround, MagSi-DNA 3.0 and carboxylated beads MagSi-DNA COOH, MagSi-DNA 600 COOH, MagSi-DNA allround COOH, MagSi-DNA 3.0 COOH.

NameDatasheetPacksize Order
MagSi-DNA Trial kit(8x 2 mL) View

DNA Extraction Kits

MagSi-DNA Body Fluid

The MagSi-DNA Body Fluid Kit allows fast and cost-effective extraction of genomic DNA from blood, saliva or swab samples. This magnetic bead-based kit can be used with fresh or frozen whole blood, fresh or preserved saliva samples or swab wash solutions.

MagSi-DNA Animal

The MagSi-DNA Animal Kit allows fast and cost-effective extraction of DNA from various samples, such as blood, semen, hairs, saliva/swabs or lysed tissue. This universal DNA purification kit is optimized to extract DNA from these sample materials with the highest purity and delivering DNA which is suitable for genotyping assays or other qPCR based analysis.

MagSi-DNA Vegetal

The MagSi-DNA Vegetal Kit enables genomic DNA extraction from plant tissue. It has a very flexible setup, as the volume of each of its components can be adjusted to facilitate your specific extraction protocol requirements.

NameDatasheetPacksize Order
MagSi-DNA Animal10 x 96 preps View
MagSi-DNA Animal96 preps View
MagSi-DNA Body Fluid10 x 96 preps View
MagSi-DNA Body Fluid96 preps View

Kits for Purification of Sequencing & PCR Reactions

MagSi-DT Removal

An efficient solution for Dye-Terminator removal from BigDye® sequencing reactions

  • Optimized for use on Biomek® Laboratory Automation Workstations and Hamilton® Microlab® STARâ„¢Line
  • Removes post-cycle sequencing reaction contaminants that interfere with sequencing analysis (in particular unincorporated dyes), without centrifugation or filtration
  • Can be used in high-throughput processes with 96 and 384 well plates.


A convenient tool for ultra-fast and efficient purification and size selection of DNA products

  • Optimized for use on Biomek® Laboratory Automation Workstations and Hamilton® Microlab STARâ„¢line
  • Allows for either non-selective binding, or size-targeted binding of double-stranded DNA fragments ranging from 80-1000bp with specific reagent volume to sample volume ratio’s (increasing the volume of MagSi-NGSPREP Plus, increases the efficiency of binding smaller fragments) This enables the user to selectively keep or discard undesired fragment sizes
  • Flexible protocols are easy to automate for high-throughput processing

NameDatasheetPacksize Order
MagSi-DT Removal50 ml View
MagSi-DT Removal500 ml View
MagSi-DT Removal8 ml View
MagSi-NGSPREP Plus5 ml View
MagSi-NGSPREP Plus500 ml View
MagSi-NGSPREP Plus75 ml View